Are you are trying to gather all the information you can about e-liquid before deciding if vaping is for you? I might be able to give you the answer to at least 5 of the most important things you really must know about e liquid.

  1. Can e-liquid expire?

When kept in the right conditions, the e liquid can have a shelf life of up to 2 years. The reason for this is given by the main components of the e liquid which are VG, PG and sometimes Nicotine is added.

Usually, the 0% Nicotine e liquids are known to last longer than those with added Nicotine. Nonetheless, when kept in rooms with very high temperatures or in direct sunlight the liquid’s components can break down much faster regardless of the amount or the complete absence of nicotine.

 Unlike other products, the e liquid can keep its freshness and last up to 2 years even after opening only if you make sure to store it properly in a room with constant lower temperature, away from direct sunlight and make sure the bottle is sealed with the cap firmly in place. But this is chemistry 1 on 1 which will be covered in another one of our articles.

  1. Why e-liquid is changing colour?

In this topic, there is so much ground to cover that we could go on forever and still not be done discussing the subject. As mentioned above, the first reason why an e liquid can expire sooner and change colour (of course), has very much to do with the way we store it.

E liquids are best stored in a dark cool place where the temperatures are not higher than 70°F (21°C) to ensure freshness, strength, flavour and keep the oxidation process at bay. Yet, there are other factors that can cause a change in colour of an e liquid. Let’s begin for instance with flavour; you probably noticed that the same brand can have a different colour for every flavour.

Why is this you might ask; the answer is the components added to that particular flavour. Remember, this is true even for the 0% nicotine e liquids because each component plays a role in the mixing process. For example, did you know that in custard flavoured e liquids the flavour of fruits can fade with time? This happens because of the custard and creams flavours can mute some of the fruit flavour, like strawberry or blueberry.

Another reason for the change in colour is caused by the Nicotine reacting to the exposure to oxygen which unleashes the oxidation process. This is also the reason why a 0% nicotine e liquid will immediately change colour upon mixing it with nicotine.

The incredible number of flavours available on the market now can result in countless different coloured e liquids. So, the next time you wonder why your e liquid did change colour; make sure to account for the following:

  • adding nicotine
  • correct storage
  • remember that the components of an e liquid are continuously reacting with each other and the environment factors (light and temperature)

    3. Can vape liquid make you sick?

With all the media controversy lately, many people fear that e liquid can make them ill or caused them harm. The funny thing is that there are many things we consume and/or use on daily bases that contain the very same ingredients found in e liquid (less the nicotine).

 You can find more information on this topic if you read our article, E-Liquid: Can you be allergic?, where you can find out more about some of the reasons why you might experience side effects from vaping. Also, you can find out just about how common VG and PG are and how we consume and use it every day without even being aware if you read our article ”What is VG and PG in E-Liquid.”

Anyhow, you need to know that nicotine can be very harmful and in high dosages can poison you. This is why you need to proceed with caution when choosing the nicotine strength for your e liquid. You should always seek advice from a professional. If you are not sure where to find one, simply ask when you purchase your e liquid; either is an online vape shop or the corner vape shop, whoever sells e liquids would have professional advice in how to choose the correct nicotine strength.

  1. Can e-liquid cause cancer?

At this moment, nearly every country where e liquid is being sold is conducting some research trying to determine how safe vaping is and in what way can e liquid affect vapers.

It is a well known fact that the NHS in the UK has proclaimed vaping as being 95% less harmful than smoking and one of the most effective ways to help stop smoking.

Also, there is a misconception related to nicotine believed by some to be causing cancer. Nicotine can be highly addictive and even poisonous in high concentration but, research has shown that it doesn’t cause cancer.

Despite the fact that vape liquid can be 95% less harmful than smoking, you should consider proceeding with caution and seeking immediate medical advice if any health complications occur while vaping.

In conclusion, so far there is no long term research to determine the cancer risk associated with vaping e liquids.

  1. Can e liquid cause harm if spilled on bare skin?

The VG and PG components contained by e liquids even when combined with nicotine, can’t be absorbed through your skin fast enough to cause you any noticeable harm. You might experience a warm or tingly sensation on the contact area depending on what part of the body made contact and the sensitivity of that area. The toxic effects of the nicotine are not to be overlooked or regarded lightly when ingested yet; no serious harm can happen if you just spilled some on your skin.


This article is purely informative and it cannot be considered medical advice as it was not written by a medical professional. If you consider yourself to be in danger at any time while vaping e liquids, you should seek immediate medical advice by contacting your GP or checking in the nearest A & E unit.

Can e-liquid expire?

Unlike other products, the e liquid can keep its freshness and last up to 2 years even after opening only if you make sure to store it properly in a room with constant lower temperature, away from direct sunlight and make sure the bottle is sealed with the cap firmly in place. But this is chemistry 1 on 1 which will be covered in another one of our articles.

Why my e-liquid is changing colour?

Reason for the change in colour is caused by the Nicotine reacting to the exposure to oxygen which unleashes the oxidation process. This is also the reason why a 0% nicotine e liquid will immediately change colour upon mixing it with nicotine.

Can vape liquid make you sick?

You need to know that nicotine can be harmful and in high dosages can poison you. This is why you need to proceed with caution when choosing the nicotine strength for your e liquid. You should always seek advice from a professional. If you are not sure where to find one, simply ask when you purchase your e liquid; either is an online vape shop or the corner vape shop, whoever sells e liquids would have professional advice in how to choose the correct nicotine strength.

Can e-liquid cause cancer?

At this moment, nearly every country where e liquid is being sold is conducting some research trying to determine how safe vaping is and in what way can e liquid affect vapers. It is a well known fact that the NHS in the UK has proclaimed vaping as being 95% less harmful than smoking and one of the most effective ways to help stop smoking.

Can e liquid cause harm if spilled on bare skin?

The VG and PG components contained by e liquids even when combined with nicotine, can’t be absorbed through your skin fast enough to cause you any noticeable harm. You might experience a warm or tingly sensation on the contact area depending on what part of the body made contact and the sensitivity of that area. The toxic effects of the nicotine are not to be overlooked or regarded lightly when ingested yet; no serious harm can happen if you just spilled some on your skin.